[Soft Skill] Defense Training

This workshop addresses doctoral students in the last phase of their PhD studies. The PhD thesis is submitted or will be submitted in the next months. Thus, the defense is getting closer.

LECTURER: Dr. Malte Engel
DATES AND TIME: November 24th and 25th, 2022, 9 am to 5 pm
LOCATION: t.b.a. in presence


The aim of the workshop is to prepare the PhD students for the coming disputation. The defense talk is based on a logical argumentation and a well organized structure. In this context, the participants should be able to think about chains of argument and meaningful structuring. In addition to the logical structuring, your own presentation and discussion skills will be reflected on and the PhD students will be prepared for the discussion by learning different strategies in best possible way. Verbal and non-verbal behavior (body language, voice, language expression) and strategies for dealing with stress and nervousness also play an important role. In addition to short theoretical introductions, the topics will be primarily conveyed through practical exercises.


Registration is closed by November 11th, 2022

[Workshop] LinkedIn for Job Search and Application


May 25 @ 10:00 am and June 1 @ 10:00 am

You will learn how to use LinkedIn for your career goals.
LinkedIn profile is the foundation of everything on LinkedIn, so you will learn everything you need to know to prepare your profile to stand out.
Since LinkedIn is all about connecting, we will be talking about who are we connecting with.
You will learn everything about how to use the Job menu, how to find potential employers.
For the finish you will learn what and how to post on LinkedIn and find out best practices.


May 25th, 2022, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

  • LinkedIn Introduction
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Networking
  • Exercises

June 1st, 2022, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

  • Checking the profiles
  • How to use the Job menu
  • How to find potential employers
  • Best practices
  • Exercises


  • online


Manca Korelc, Mag.
Manca has been a LinkedIn trainer for over 4 years.
In March 2022 her book about LinkedIn was published: LINKEDIN BY THE BOOK.


May 25th and June 1st, 2022
10 am – 1.00 pm


Maximum number 12

The module is open for all interested PhD students but members of the IGS-FP will be given priority.


Registration is closed by May 4th, 2022

[iRTG SFB/102] English Writing Day

The participants send their manuscript of a planned publication, parts of the PhD thesis, etc. to the lecturer in advance and will get individual feedback. On the wiriting day, there will be a short introduction and afterwards everyone can work on their own text with receiving feedback from the lectuerer during the whole day. In addition, strategies and techniques for writing more efficiently or how to avoid writing blockads will be discussed.


English Writing Day (May 9, 2022)

[Workshop] Planning the completion of your dissertation

A concentrated and well-structured finish to achieve your goal.

Towards the end of your doctoral study many questions arise, which are discussed in this module. The course addresses the many factors affecting the effective structuring of the final phase of your doctorate, and focusses on proven methods that will form the framework of clear future perspectives.

  • Structure of the final phase in terms of focus, priorities, and scheduling
  • Planning and focussing on the writing process and the correction phase
  • Dismantling practical and psychological barriers to writing
  • Strategic issues for co-operation partners and supervisors during and after the dissertation
  • Self-representation as an expert in the chosen research field and in the post-PhD market
  • Positioning platforms & further career development
  • Online and in-person networking skills

Trainer: Mark Edwards (https://www.kompetenzia-international.com/)

Date: November 3rd & 4th, 2021
Time: 2 -5 pm
