[Soft Skill] Defense Training

This workshop addresses doctoral students in the last phase of their PhD studies. The PhD thesis is submitted or will be submitted in the next months. Thus, the defense is getting closer.

LECTURER: Dr. Malte Engel
DATES AND TIME: November 24th and 25th, 2022, 9 am to 5 pm
LOCATION: t.b.a. in presence


The aim of the workshop is to prepare the PhD students for the coming disputation. The defense talk is based on a logical argumentation and a well organized structure. In this context, the participants should be able to think about chains of argument and meaningful structuring. In addition to the logical structuring, your own presentation and discussion skills will be reflected on and the PhD students will be prepared for the discussion by learning different strategies in best possible way. Verbal and non-verbal behavior (body language, voice, language expression) and strategies for dealing with stress and nervousness also play an important role. In addition to short theoretical introductions, the topics will be primarily conveyed through practical exercises.


Registration is closed by November 11th, 2022