[Seminar] P3S Webinar: Ion transport and NMR transport measurement

P3S Webinar by Institute of Physics, MLU
Thursday, October 1st, 2020, 4 pm CEST

The online meeting takes places via zoom. More information: http://www.physik.uni-halle.de/fachgruppen/nmr/p3s-webinar/upcoming-p3s-webinars/


Prof. Dr. Nitash Balsara
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UC Berkely
Ion transport in polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries and electrophoretic NMR

I will discuss some of the fundamental factors that limit ion transport in polymers.  In all electrolytes, the current generated at steady state is governed by the applied potential.  This relationship, which one might call a modified Ohm’s Law, depends on Stefan-Maxwell diffusion coefficients.  We find that these diffusion coefficients in many electrolytes are negative over a substantial salt concentration range.  The relationship between Stefan-Maxwell diffusion coefficients and ion velocities measured by electrophoretic NMR will be discussed.


Prof. Dr. Lou Madsen
Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg
Tracking motions in soft materials by NMR diffusometry: Discoveries and dangers

Our group combines NMR  transport measurements that are species-specific and length/time-scale  specific with structural and dynamical information to build  comprehensive models for the behaviors of soft materials.   I will touch on transport phenomena in polymer-based systems that  include nanometer-scale confinement in separations membranes, and drug  and chain partitioning in micelles.  I will also describe a few of the  classic (and yet still ubiquitous) pitfalls in the  interpretation of NMR diffusion data.