PhD-Meeting March 2020

The PhD meeting will take place on March 19th. At this march meeting we will have two Progress Reports. Jonas Steiner kindly agreed to chair this meeting.

4:00 pm: Reema Anouz
4:45 pm: Yi-Tung Lu

place: SR 1.29 Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1

[postponed indefinitely] Excursion to BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

Due to the Corona-Situation the excursion to BASF is postponed. As soon as there is a new date you will find it here and the registration will be opened again

An Excursion to BASF Schwarzheide GmbH will be arranged by the IGS-FP Agripoly on June 10th 2020

The BASF Schwarzheide production site is one of the largest BASF Group sites in Europe. It produces a wide range of functional materials and solutions. Its portfolio includes polyurethane, engineering plastics, foams, crop protection agents, performance chemicals and coatings.

A time schedule will be posted as soon as the details are fixed and you will get a notifiation if you register for this excursion.

Transport will be by bus in the morning from VSP. Transport will be covered by IGS-FP.


[Workshop] Project Management for Natural Scientists – April 3rd 2020

Date: April 3rd 2020
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Place: Room 1.27 [Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Halle]
Lecturer: Katja Wolter (Steinbeis Research Center)
Participants: 15 max
Registration: Please use the form at the end of the post
Registration Deadline: March 20th 2020

Are you a PhD candidate who could benefit from structuring your work, having a firmer grip on things and confidence in your research? In this training course you’ll explore how you can manage your doctoral research successfully as a whole. You learn the basic theory of project management and you will apply them to your own doctoral project during practical exercises and discussions. Furthermore you will learn how to manage project time and communicate within the project team and with the stakeholders of your project.
More focus, clear priorities, awareness, and more organisation of your work will be the result. The training will focus on your projects in the natural science.

We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Basic theory of project management
  • Applying basic theory of project management to individual doctoral project
  • Practical support in planning and execution of the promotional project
  • Time Planning in the project
  • Strategic communication with stakeholders
  • Project team stages and leadership styles

Continue reading [Workshop] Project Management for Natural Scientists – April 3rd 2020

Good Scientific Practice Lecture – February 21st 2020

Every scientist doing research at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has to comply with the rules of good scientific practice. In this workshop principles of good scientific practice, e.g. professional standards such as honesty and openness, as well as data preparation and documentation will be discussed
[from iRTG of SFB102 homepage]

Lecturer: Dr. Thomas Michael
Date: February 21st 2020
Place: SR 1.29 Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
Time: 3 pm